Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
More Steps Back
However, I did set a date for an open studio date so that people can come by and check out the space and hopefully buy stuff. So I will have to get my press issues sorted out before then. I also decided not to take classes next term so I can hopefully spend more time in the studio. Since it will be winter which makes me all around miserable, I won't want to go outside anyway, so this is a good opportunity for me to get some projects cleared up and re-organize and store my prints properly for when we have to ship them out west next summer. Hopefully...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Studio Update

See what I mean? before I moved the rest of the things in (read: before it became messy again) it was starting to look like this:

I am hoping to get in to work on it a bit later today, since now my old pantry is assembled, and my bookcase. So that should help with storage of books, rags, and frames. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Another Update
I'm trying to think of this as a new opportunity for starting fresh and trying new ways to organize my print info, but that will only work until the shock wears off, I'm sure. I'm just thankful we haven't had the chance to put the website up, so I have only sold work to people I know that I can still contact. So, wish me luck!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Laptop update
So Armand just called me to tell me that my laptop is back and ready for pick up. Yay! But then he tells me that they were unable to recover ANY data. At all. After they said there was a "very good chance" they would be able to recover "up to 70%". I'm not mad they couldn't recover anything; I'm sure they tried their best, and I'm sure they didn't mean to "lie". Given the information about how my laptop failed and their success rate, I'm going to assume they told me the truth as they saw it. I, however, don't want the truth. I want something that doesn't get my hopes up, even if it is a bit of a lie. Something more to the tune of "often we are able recover a large amount of data, however, sometimes we inexplicably get nothing at all". That sounds like a good company line that won't make you overly hopeful, unless you are an uber-hopeful retard, which is what I became after hearing the line they actually gave us. So, after the shock wears off and I'm done crying over my own bloody stupidity, I will be scouring the Internet/area for data recovery specialists, and preparing myself for the inevitable financial butt-raping that will occur as a result.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
So, last week when I discovered I wad going to have three whole days off, I was pretty excited. I figured I could pack, plan some new plates, whatever. Then, my computer crashed. Oh well, right? I can still pack, or whatever. Yeah, about that. I got the bloody Genghis Khan of all colds. The kind of cold so bad that you get up to go to the bathroom, and then you need to nap. So, while I have tried to at least get some source images together for some new plates, I am finding it a lot more difficult without my laptop. Armand has been kind enough to lend me the iPad until I get the laptop back, but it just isn't the same. It is such a fun toy that all I want to do with it is watch YouTube videos and read Cracked, which makes it hard to get real work done, as anyone familiar with Cracked can attest. Also, incase you all live under a rock, Apple hates flash, so that means a lot of cool stuff can't be viewed on the iPad. I also discovered that whatever software Blogger uses to make Blogging for Dummies so quick and easy to use doesn't work on the iPad either.
That's right. I have to try and remember good old fashioned HTML to blog. And do it without a real keyboard. Good times!
Anyway, printmaking. I managed to sharpen my scrapers in anticipation of doing a small mezzotint test plate, and I purchased a copy of The Complete Printmaker a few weeks ago, so I am attempting to read that in my more lucid moments. For anyone who is starting out, this bold is an invaluable guide to printmaking techniques, and is full of ways to save money by building your own acid trays and mixing your own hard ground. It isn't available in hardcover anymore (at least not for a reasonable price) but you can buy softcover copies, and it is also available as an ebook, so that's pretty cool. I'm going to one up them a bit here though. They had nothing to say really about building paper drawers. But I'm going to. I'm working on the measurements so I can make my own 6 drawer paper chest for about $120. Say what? Yeah, we all know I'm crazy, but when I work it out I'll be laughing all the way to the bank, and then sharing it with all you fine folks. Something g to look forward to...
Friday, May 21, 2010
One step forward, two steps back
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Recent Work

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Gearing up
- lights on
- doors and windows wide open (with no one there. we actually had vandalism of the building happen because one of my classmates left the bloody windows open overnight and people got in through them
- overhead fan on
- acid hood fan on
- acid hood open
- acid trays not covered
- used paper and scraps of paper on essentially every flat surface
- ink mixing surfaces and rollers not cleaned
- solvents left open
- hot plate left on
- paper tray a disgusting mess of pink, blooming nasty sludge
- tools, gloves, personal belongings left everywhere
- ground rollers cross-contaminated
- prints left in the racks for way too long, so there is no space for yours
- much more I am probably forgetting about
- The Artstore (Waterloo)(paper)
- Curry's (Kitchener. Brand new, near the SilverCity cinema)(paper, plates, liquid ground, tint base extender, brushes)
- Above Ground (Toronto)(grounds, stop out, tarlatan, rosin, inks, easywipe)
- The Paper Place (Toronto)(paper)
- State of the Art (Waterloo)(paper)
- Michaels (Waterloo)(paper, notions, sheets of mat (I worked as a framer for years, so I cut my own mats), adhesives, white transfer paper)
- Jerry's Artarama (Mail order from the Southern USA)(press, archival print bags, folding rack (to hold mounted works for shows), framer's point gun (so I can save $$ on framing, which is way too expensive), brayer and baren)
- Ikea (Burlington/Etobicoke)(the only place that has large square frames)
- E.C. Lyons (Mail order from NY, USA)(scrapers, burnishers, magnifier)
- Wyndham (Guelph)(paper, plates, brushes, nitric acid, binder clips)
- The Bay (Waterloo)(electric griddle)
- Home Hardware (Waterloo)(paint thinner, methyl hydrate, caulking gun)
- Home Depot (Waterloo)(gloves, wire, magnets, toolbox)
- Dollarama (Waterloo)(kitchen gloves, bowls)
- Chapters (Waterloo, and web order)(books, of course!)
- Amazon (web order)(books)
- A paper chest/flat file. Since to buy one would cost several hundred dollars that I don't have, so I am going to make my own out of melamine coated plywood and hardboard from Home Depot. I should be able to do it for $100 or less. Yes, I am that ambitious.
- trays for acid and water
- organizing stuff
- chair/stool (which I can't buy until I know what height the surfaces I'll be working on are)
- scanner. I have been using my fathers, which is evil and mostly dead. It works less often than not.
- camera. My digital camera died. Seeing as I work a lot from my photos, this is a bit of a problem. I also use it to take photos of my pieces for my own reference, for our website, and for the etsy site (which isn't up quite yet, so don't ask!)