Monday, November 1, 2010

More Steps Back

I have been loving and hating the studio. Mostly hating. I am easily frustrated, and that tends to cause a lot of problems for me. I also do a lot of things I shouldn't, which tends to cause even more problems for me. So when I use whatever random paper in my press that I want because it is pretty and my prints don't turn out, I tend to freak out and just not go near the studio for a while. So you can imagine what's going on here right about now...

However, I did set a date for an open studio date so that people can come by and check out the space and hopefully buy stuff. So I will have to get my press issues sorted out before then. I also decided not to take classes next term so I can hopefully spend more time in the studio. Since it will be winter which makes me all around miserable, I won't want to go outside anyway, so this is a good opportunity for me to get some projects cleared up and re-organize and store my prints properly for when we have to ship them out west next summer. Hopefully...